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Tower of Homage Tourist Office

The Gibraltar Tourist board under the Ministry for Environment and Tourism, is seeking of a new purpose-built facility which would provide the necessary requirements, including Ticket Office & Security point, Restrooms, Tourist Information Displays and landscaped viewing areas, to Gibraltars Northern entrance point into the Upper Rock Reserve. We have been commissioned to design these facilities, where the installations will be designed with inclusivity and accessibility as one of the major priorities.

The massing of the new built facilities is carefully considered, taking into account the sensitive historical location and surroundings, the natural profile of the rock’s landscape form and views from different positions in the town area. Proposed external finishes are also delicately selected to reflect a contemporary installation within a natural setting, with honest materials such as limestone in the cladding and naturally weathered tones in the roof finish including a naturally-grown brown-roof system and as in the exterior balustrade in Corten Steel, as continuity in design to other installations in the Nature Reserve.


Ticket Office of Moorish Castle, Willis's Rd, Gibraltar


~ 500sqm


Commercial, Institutional


HmGoG Ministry for Environment & Tourism




Feasibility Study

1.2.20 Eurotowers, Europort Rd, Gibraltar

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